photo credit: David Swanson


NYC’s 80’s art scene and its subways both influenced Ethan Johnson. Though rarely shown, he has produced continuously—making work revealing a genealogy of informed naïveté traceable to the Soho, East Village, and trains of that era.

Johnson came of age in 60s-70s Boise, where mom Jackson Pollock-ed the basement floor; pre-fame Kienholz once slept on the couch; a triple murderer hand-crafted a Conestoga lamp; and the Les Bois track introduced him to horse racing.

“Another Day at the Races” mines the latter’s nomenclature for personal, cultural, and poetic resonance.


Another Day At The Races | Installation | April 15, 2023

Another Day At The Races

April 15, 2023

STARTLA 2270 Venice Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90006